Luke 10:25-11:13 describes how dis
ciples of Jesus are
supposed to act in three key relationships: with other people, with Jesus
Himself, and with God through prayer. Jesus gave the parable of the Good
Samaritan in response to the law expert’s questioning (10:25-37). The moral of
this parable is that anyone in need is our neighbor, so we should love them as
ourselves (10:37). Next we see Jesus interacting with Mary and Martha
(10:38-42). He says that, while other things may be important, they are nothing
compared to having a relationship with Jesus (v 42). When setting our
priorities in life, Jesus must be at the top of our list. Finally, we see Jesus
teaching His disciples how to pray (11:1-13). First, Jesus teaches what we call
the Lord’s Prayer to show the importance of worshipping God and depending on
Him for everything (11:2-4). Then Jesus teaches about persistence in prayer and
the Father’s generosity and goodness toward people (11:9-13).
Journaling and Prayer
1. The Jews of Jesus’ day hated Samaritans. Jesus
used a Samaritan in His parable to show that anyone can be our neighbor and anyone
can be justified before God. Search your heart – are there any groups you
discriminate against in your heart? Are you biased based on ethnicity, age, gender
or any other criteria? Confess this to God. Ask Him to show you His heart for
these people. Spend some time praying blessings over this group.
2. Spend
some time meditating on Jesus’ teaching on prayer (11:1-13). Write down 5
things we can learn from this passage.
3. In Luke
11:8 the word translated as “persistence” implies shameless boldness. Think of
a strong desire of your heart. Spend some time praying with “shameless
boldness” for this desire. Ask the Holy Spirit to help your pray this way (ex.
by giving you specific things to pray for related to this desire).