Monday, October 10, 2011

Foundations October 11, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Numbers 7-8

John 8:31-32 (ESV); “If you abide in My word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Do you believe this passage? Not just part of it, but all of it? Snippets of these verses are universally
exalted; even Hollywood will tell you that “the truth will set you free” when it’s convenient. A character
on the big screen realizes that she has fallen out of love with her husband and claims that this new
truth has set her free. It really is an abomination when the Word of God is taken out of context and
used so irreverently.
Perhaps we should start from the beginning. IF we abide in Jesus’ word THEN we will be His
disciples and we will KNOW the truth, and HIS truth will set us FREE. First we must abide in His
word. We must daily search the Scriptures for the person of Jesus Christ and commit ourselves to
seeking His voice and direction in all things. If we make this our concern, we will know the truth. The
Word of God will come alive to us; we will live it out and our faith will grow as we come to understand
from our own experiences that God’s Word is totally true. And then the truth that HE has revealed
will set us free. So the truth that you are unhappy in your marriage gets put into context by God’s
truth. The Word reveals that God fights FOR marriage and is serious about covenants. THEN you
are set free; not to drift further from your spouse, but to move towards repentance and reconciliation.
The truth will set you free; not what you wish to be true, but what is true according to God. Truth
reveals the lies and disillusionments we are holding on to. Like light shining into darkness, the
revelation of truth is not always delightful, but it is freeing as it enables us to see ourselves and our
situation through the eyes of Christ.

1. According to this verse, and according to how you live right now, are you a true disciple of
Christ? Why or why not?
2. Ask God to show you any lies that you believe in the following areas: personal character,
marriage, friendship, family, children, career, and church.
a. How are these lies affecting the way that you live?
b. What is God’s truth about each of the lies? How can this truth bring you freedom?