The Law in 90 Days: Deuteronomy 1-2
John 18:11 (NIV); Put your sword away!
In a moment of rage, Peter pulled out his sword and slashed the ear of the high priest’s servant.
This was wrong. Peter was the first disciple to confess to Jesus, “You are the Christ!” He had
claimed to know the divinity of Jesus. Surely, had he taken a moment to breathe, he would have
known that he stood in the garden with God incarnate. Surely Jesus could defend Himself if He
wanted to. Peter’s sword was drawn out of a spirit of anger and retaliation and of doubt. But Jesus’
words were incredible, “Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?”
We think the sword is a necessary weapon to be wielded under select circumstances, but
hostility and retaliation are never weapons endorsed by the Lord. Peter probably felt justified in
his action; he was defending the Lord! Isn’t it true that our defence of Jesus often brings about
an unattractive defensiveness? Our opinions on morality or values or theology differ and our
arguments become argumentative. God does not want or need this type of defence. We are called
to do our best to live at peace with everyone, to give gentle answers, to defend the cause of the
orphan and the widow, and to encourage the oppressed. If we go to all costs to win an argument
or prove a point or show that we are right, that victory alone is our reward. Let us put our swords
away; let us set aside our competitive nature, lay down our right to be right, and seek to speak
truth in gentleness. If Jesus could drink the cup of physical and spiritual sacrifice, certainly we can
lay aside our need to win.
1. What is the thing that easily sets you off? What causes you to become argumentative
and competitive? When we are rebellious towards God, our pursuits are in vain. The won
argument or game is our only reward. Meditate on this and confess as necessary.
2. Disciples are peacemakers. How can you strive to bring peace to your environment today?
Ask God to help you to think before you speak and act so that you can consciously act out of
the Spirit.
3. What is a characteristic of God that you can meditate on today so that your mind stays
focused on Him? Think on this. Find a corresponding verse if you can and work on
memorizing it, too.