The Law in 90 Days: Numbers 27-28
John 13:37; Lord, why can I not follow You now?
This is Peter’s question when he learns that Jesus is going away. He has tasted life in the
presence of the Son, and he wants nothing less! And after the cross has been accomplished and
Jesus ascends into heaven, His followers stand staring at the sky until they are approached by
two angels. “Why do you stand here staring at the sky?” they say, “This same Jesus who has
been taken up to heaven will come back in the same way!” These words brought hope, and the
outpouring of the Spirit a few days later continued to shine light on the last three years of their
lives and the impact of those years on all mankind. And from then on, the disciples were slaves to
Christ, preaching, healing and even dying in His name. The apostle Paul voiced the certain opinion
of all these men: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain… I am torn between the two: I desire
to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far…”
This should be our attitude towards Jesus’ coming, yet if we were honest with ourselves, we would
admit that we don’t share Paul’s sentiment. “That’s for the aged – the 95-year old man on his death
bed – but it’s nothing short of morbid for me.” How many of us, when the pastor prays, “Oh Lord,
we long for Your coming...” wiggle in our seats and say, “uh... no!”? Sure, we want to see Jesus
one day (it sure beats the other option), but we have that great vacation planned for next year,
or we want to see our kids get to that next stage, or we want to get married! You may have some
great, God-honouring desires, but is your primary desire for Jesus? If it isn’t, you will never be
satisfied. We jump from one high to the next hoping for fulfillment, but Jesus is our only sustainable
Source for joy, peace and abundant life! We need to be disciples who are cultivating a longing for
the return of Christ!
1. What are your honest thoughts when you think about Jesus’ return?
2. What is standing in the way of Jesus being your one desire? Where are the false places that
you look for contentment? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any lies that you believe about Jesus
and His ability to satisfy you, and confess these things.
3. Pray that you would look forward to be with Jesus. Pray that all other things would pale in
comparison to knowing Christ.