The Law in 90 Days: Numbers 29-30
John 14:13 (NIV); And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring glory
to the Father.
We know that we cannot manipulate God by merely tacking on the phrase “in the name of
Jesus” at the end of our prayers, so we need to look at this verse in context. Jesus tells His
disciples that anyone who has faith in Him will do what He has been doing and, in fact, they
will do even greater things than Him, because He is leaving and they’re staying to continue His
work! And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.
Anyone who actually has faith in Jesus will do what He did, they will tread where He treads.
What did Jesus do? Only what He saw the Father doing! So when we are doing what Jesus
did – when every move we make is made in response to the Father’s directive – we can be sure
that whatever we ask for in His name will be done! We copy Jesus, who taught us to respond to
the Father’s direction, and therefore God is glorified!
We think that we put this verse to test by praying, “In the name of Jesus, this 50/50 ticket is the
winner!” That is name-it-and-claim-it theology and is a mockery of God’s power. Jesus’ disciples
put this verse to the test. They became doers of the Word. They did what Jesus did by listening
to the voice of the Spirit and they saw things accomplished in the name of the Lord!
1. Ask God to remind you of a time where you asked something in His name and received it
because it was completely in line with His will. How did that feel? Did you acknowledge Him
in praise when it happened?
2. God wants us to be DOERS of the Word, not just hearers. The disciples moved to a place
of maturity over the course of their time with Jesus. How does God want to move you to a
place of maturity? Commit to DOING something differently today because of what God has
shown you in this devotional.
3. Praying in line with the will of God is powerful, because we partner with Him and things
actually happen. It also opens our eyes to HIM as the Fulfiller of His word. Ask Him how to
pray in His will today.