The Law in 90 Days: Numbers 35-36
John 17:5 (NKJV); And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had
with You before the world was.
God is not narcissistic, concerned with pride and vain conceit. He is not a fat king on a throne,
indulging in dainties and chortling at the antics of His little pets. He’s not sitting in priggish fashion,
with raised eyebrows stretching out a limp and delicate hand to be kissed. Neither is He the Wizard
of Oz, a weak man hiding behind the power of his creation. These are caricatures of kings. God is
holy. He is uncreated. He is an unfathomable being whom we can know something about because
of His mercy and grace.
We need to force ourselves to think outside of the dimension of our mind when it comes to God.
Got is a unity of three distinct persons. The Trinity is an incredible mystery. We should not think of
God as prideful and vain in the way that He demands worship. There is worship and glorification
and love within the Trinity itself. God is above-all and exalted, yet He is a humble servant. Jesus
speaks profoundly about the relationship within the Trinity; it’s a relationship of love, service and
exultation. They live in unity and community; completely one, yet interactive. Before the world was,
God has always been Father, Spirit and Son. Jesus looked forward to the community where the
three would again glorify one another in company.
The words we use cannot even define it, and our minds cannot fully comprehend. We know that
God says, “The Lord your God is one.” But we know that that one is made up of three. What can
we glean from this? Love, unity, community, honour, servitude, humility – these things we must
have because God Himself is constantly displaying them to us. Let us look to the Trinity, that we
may reflect the nature of God.
1. Meditate on the concept of the Trinity. Think about the distinct persons the Father, Son and
Spirit. Praise God for Him and His ways.
2. Our relationships, especially marriage and family, should reflect the relationship of the Trinity.
How have you been a hindrance in your family? Confess this. Ask the Lord how you can work
specifically to bring unity, servitude and love to your family today. Commit to obey.