Saturday, October 29, 2011

Foundations October 30, 2011

John 19:30; “It is finished”

The purpose for which He had come to the earth had been fulfilled. Truth had been revealed and
the victory was won; the serpent’s head was crushed.
The plans of God cannot be thwarted. Since God cursed mankind in the Garden, the prophecy
was put forth that a Son of Man would come who would defeat the enemy. From that time forward,
the Deceiver attempted to foil the plans of the Lord, but God’s plans are indestructible. And as He
bore the weight of sin and experienced the wrath of the Father, Jesus crushed the head of Satan.
The sky was darkened, the earth shook, the dead rose, and the curtain separating the Holy place
from the Holy of Holies was torn in two. The relationship between God and sinful man was restored
through the redemption of Christ’s work on the cross. It was not the power of love or the power of
forgiveness; it was the power of Christ through whom we receive forgiveness and experience the
love of the Father.
God cannot be frustrated by Satan; Satan is not a fly buzzing around God’s head. As Creator,
even of the enemy, God is not frustrated or duped by His creation. God is holy – so incomparably
above us that we cannot comprehend Him. His will is perfect, His laws are excellent and His word is
absolute. He has said “it is finished” thus it is finished. The chasm between God and man – bridged.
Satan’s eternal judgment – decided. The sins you have repented of – void. The relationship you’ve
broken – redeemable. The sin you’ve kept in darkness – forgivable. The person you are – valuable.

1. What did Jesus accomplish on the cross for you? Meditate on this and thank Him for what He
2. Ask God for His absolute word to you today? Think about confessed sins you still feel guilty for,
or sin you have hidden and the way that you feel about yourself. What does God want to say?
3. Can you choose to war against the enemy? As disciples of Christ, we share in His authority,
and we can command the enemy to leave when He is tempting and condemning us. Walk in
this authority!