Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Foundations October 6, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Leviticus 25-27

John 6:5-6 (ESV); Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may
eat?” He said this to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do.
God knows what He is doing. As all-knowing, all-powerful Creator God, who is above all else in
authority and glory and honour, God knows how to respond in every situation before the situation
even occurs. God is not an improviser who must just settle with whatever is thrown at Him; He’s
not a man on stage asking the audience to call out random scenarios to which He should respond.
He is above all things. He knows all before it happens, and He never scrambles for ideas or
solutions. But do we believe this?
Jesus tests His disciples. They knew His power and authority from what they had seen with their
eyes and heard with their ears; they witnessed miracles and listened to stirring teaching. But where
was their faith? Many times, their actions would display a lack of faith. Jesus was not puzzled over
the hungry mass; the Father had relayed the plan of action. But Jesus often probed deeper in
order to reveal the truth of men’s hearts. And so more than satisfying physical hunger, more than
miraculously multiplying a meagre lunch, more than showing a willing little boy purpose, Jesus
shone light directly into Philip’s heart, testing His faith with a question. Would Philip plunge into
discipleship and respond, “You are the Son of God! You know a way!”? No, this test Philip would
We shouldn’t doubt that God would test us. His testing is never for His own learning – He already
knows us entirely. He tests us for our benefit, that we would see the reality of our hearts and
respond to Him.

1. Take some time to worship God for who He is; for His knowledge, power and authority.
2. Do you believe God is what you just worshipped Him for? How should your belief stimulate
you to live differently?
3. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about testing. When has the Lord tested you? When have
you failed? When have you passed? Are you in the middle of test right now? Ask God to grow
your faith and your faithfulness. Practice listening for Jesus intently today.