The Law in 90 Days: Deuteronomy 23-24
RESTORING Relationships
1 Timothy 5:13; ...they also learn to be idle, going from house to house; they are not only idle,
but are also gossips and busybodies, saying things they shouldn’t say.
Gossip is defined as idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of
others. Interestingly, Paul was instructing Timothy on what to do with the young widows when
he penned the words above. We all know that gossip tends to be a primary problem among
women, but don’t be so naive as to think that it is a non-issue for men!
Proverbs 20:19 tells us, “The one who reveals secrets is a constant gossip; avoid someone
with a big mouth.” It is gossip to share the things others have told you in confidence because it
seems “newsworthy.” With gossip, you may very well be telling the truth about somebody, but
the intent of your heart condemns you; the words are sin. Gossip stems from idleness – laziness
and inactivity. How many times have we resorted to gossip because we cannot think of anything
else to say? We would rather talk about someone else’s news than sit in what might be awkward
silence. Gossip spreads quickly, not just amongst talkers, but within one’s own heart. The devil
has a way of instilling smugness with gossip; we come to like being the person who always has
a bit of news to share. Somehow having something to tell brings a feeling of importance. And
since humans have a longing in their hearts to be important, we settle for the false significance
that gossip brings.
It’s tragic, because God has so much better for us than that! God wants to use us in powerful
ways to build up His church. God has a message for us to share that is one of importance and
usefulness. His word is not idle. The prophet Isaiah tells us that God’s word is so powerful; not
a word God says returns to Him empty, but it will always accomplish its purpose. Wouldn’t you
rather be a part of that than of idle chatter?
1. Are you a gossip? Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you on the subject and convict you of
anything you need to confess to Him.
2. Do you have a relationship that has been ruined by gossip? Ask God to show you your part
in the restoration process.
3. What has God done in your life that He wants you to share with others today? Choose to
focus on this and proclaim it to others.