The Law in 90 Days: Deuteronomy 34
Philippians 2:20; I have no one else like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare.
Paul is boasting about Timothy, whom he takes great pride in. Timothy worked incessantly for the
gospel and while most others looked primarily after their own interests, Timothy looked after the
interests of Christ – namely people!
People love to talk about themselves. We love to know that someone else is interested in us and
what we do and like. It feels amazing to meet someone who genuinely wishes to know your thoughts
and opinions on a matter, not so that they can argue with you, but so that they can know you on a
deeper level. If we want to be radical in our love, we will become genuinely interested in others.
But what does this actually mean? Anyone can appear interested in others by making eye contact,
saying “uh-huh” and asking questions, but even those actions don’t ensure that they genuinely care.
To be genuinely interested is to sincerely care about another’s wellbeing – to desire their good, and
to make them feel valuable and loved.
Paul urged Timothy not to feel less-than the other believers because of his age; Timothy could set
an example for all believers through his life, his faith, his speech, his love and his purity. Timothy was
radical about advancing the kingdom. He did not let false-humility keep him from leading those who
were older than him; he was genuinely interested in building the church and spreading the gospel of
Christ is urging us to love one another. The church will grow stagnant if we do not.
1. Who is someone that drives you nuts, someone you see frequently and try to avoid? Ask God
to show you how you can become genuinely interested in this person. Commit to practising this
next time you see them.
2. Make it your goal today that you will seek to get to know people you meet. Ask God to give you
a realistic goal that He wants you to accomplish today (such as introducing yourself to 3 new
people, having a conversation with a stranger, etc.). Ask for the boldness you need to obey.