The Law in 90 Days: Deuteronomy 13-14
Getting it RIGHT with GOD
Isaiah 43:1; But now thus says the LORD, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O
Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine.”
Read the verse again, but insert your name for “O Jacob” and “O Israel.” What a trusty declaration!
Think about who is saying this. The One who declares these words is not a weakling; He is not a
wizard of Oz hiding behind a facade of power. Scripture tells us that God is incomparable – His
power, majesty, love, sovereignty, holiness, beauty, knowledge, ingenuity – all unfathomable and
without equal. This is the God who has called you His own! This is the God in whose presence you
can find rest and shelter!
You know your fears and insecurities, your weaknesses, and areas of struggle. Unfortunately our
fears and insecurities always affect our relationships. Many of us fear what others think of us, and
these fears and judgements always affect the way we think about, and act towards those people.
Your insecurities about your body will affect your marriage. Your fears about how others perceive
your personality and quirks will keep you from fully engaging in conversation. Dwelling on your
weaknesses without bringing them before the Lord will only enhance them!
But God sees you – even at your lowest – and He cherishes you! He genuinely likes you and
wants to be around you! Of course He doesn’t cheer on your sinfulness, but He does desire your
good and He does call you His own!
1. Lay down your fears and insecurities before the Lord. Tell Him about those character issues
and weaknesses that you struggle with. Ask Him to show you how these things are getting in
the way of your relationships with others.
2. Who does God almighty say you are? All fears and insecurities aside, who does GOD say you
are? Ask Him to speak His truth into your life.
3. How will you consciously act out of who God says you are instead of who you think and fear
you are? How do you need to act or think differently so that you can live by His truth?