History Books in 90 Days: Joshua 14-15
Matthew 7:11; So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much
more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him.
We relate the giving of gifts to love. This is not to say that our love can be bought or
manipulated, but many people very much value the thought and effort that goes into a gift.
When we receive a gift, we know that we have crossed someone’s mind, and they have gone
above and beyond to respond to the thought with action!
Some people experience love primarily this way. A gift – big or small, extravagant or homemade
– spells love to them. And even if this is not everyone’s primary love language, most people will
appreciate a “just because” present every so often.
Unfortunately some take this to the extreme, thinking that material things, surprises and
opportunities will bring contentment in a relationship. But when this happens, the gift loses the
love and becomes manipulative. Love is the end, and the gift is one of many means that can
display that end.
We can look to God as our Demonstrator. He is a Giver, constantly giving gifts to His kids. But
David wrote of the Lord, “You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is
fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” The gifts of God are wonderful,
but the purpose of those gifts is to point us to Him. When we see the gift as the be-all-and-endall,
we’ve lost sight of the prize. FULLNESS of JOY is in His presence! Eternal pleasures are
found at his right hand! His gifts lead us to HIM! What incredible truth! Like Christ, we can give
of our time, energy, finances and creativity to others, pointing them to Him, and to the love that
we have for them.
1. Who is someone in your life whom you know would be totally blessed by a gift? Choose
something that you will do for them.
2. What excuses go through your head right now that make you feel exempt from showing
love in this way? Bring those things before the Lord and ask for His perspective.
3. Are you a giver at heart? What stops you? Confess greed and ask God to help you give
generously of yourself.