Saturday, November 12, 2011

Foundations November 13, 2011

RESTORING Relationships

Psalm 130:3-4; If You, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with You there
is forgiveness; therefore You are feared.

Even the most steadfast believer could not stand before God if He kept a record of our sins; God is
that holy. But because He forgives we CAN stand before Him, we CAN serve Him and know Him!
His forgiveness is not ethereal, nor is it just words; because He forgives, our relationship with Him is
This restorative and transformational forgiveness is what we, as forgiven sinners, need to extend
to those who sin against us. To forgive is to pardon, to overlook an offence and to treat the offender
as not guilty. That last part is the clincher, and the most difficult: treat the offender as not guilty?
Really? The thing is that our treatment of the offender is the test that proves the authenticity of our
forgiveness. We can say that we pardon the sin, that we no longer care about the offence, but if we
do not treat the offender as innocent, we show that we have not pardoned the sin or forgiven the
It takes daily surrender and firm confidence in the Lord to forgive this way, for we have to lay down
our desire for justice. We must determine that we will fully surrender this person to the Lord and
treat them as innocent even if they continue to sin against us, even if they never recognize their
wrong, even if they raise their hands in worship, even if God continues to bless their lives. God is
our Defender, God knows best. God doesn’t leave room for our “ifs”, “ands” and “buts” – forgive,
and you’ll be forgiven, He says. And He means it.

1. Ask God to remind you the things He’s forgiven you of. How has His forgiveness restored and
transformed your relationship with Him.
2. Who are you harbouring unforgiveness towards? How has it, or is it ruining the relationship?
Spend some time bringing the person and the offence before the Lord. Tell God how you feel
and ask Him to help put this situation in perspective. Ask Him to help you forgive as He has
forgiven you. Spend time praying for this person.
3. Repeat the process with other people you struggle to forgive.
If you find this incredibly difficult, why not set up a personal ministry appointment at the church, talk
to a cell leader or sign up for an Encounter.