Saturday, November 26, 2011

Foundations November 27, 2011


Matthew 5:44; Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

This verse is well-known; it just doesn’t apply to you, right? Wrong. When we stand before God
one day, painting a picture of our enemy and delving into the gory details of what he did to us will
not pardon our bitterness and unforgiveness. Jesus said clearly to love them and to pray for them.
We will finish off this month dedicated to growing godly relationships with intercession – pleading
in prayer on behalf of others. There are so many instances where we wish for change: if only
our parents would STOP _____ or our spouse would START_____! If we continue to feed our
disappointments in people with negative talk and complaining, hostility will grow in our hearts and
dissension in the relationship. They will become our enemy, and life under the same roof or in the
same class or cubicle as our enemy is no good.
We need to silence our complaints and curb our anger with intercession. Praying for change will
be much more successful than talking about what we wish would happen. Wishes go to the wind,
but our prayers go to the throne room of heaven where our God reigns in power and majesty! This
stark realization should impel us to get on our knees!

1. Who are some close friends and family members who have, or are starting to become
enemies? What is your complaint against them? What is it you wish they would or would not
2. Can you entrust these people and your desires to the Lord? This means to push forward in
prayer and hold up on the grumbling. Can you do that?
3. Spend time in prayer for these people and your concerns. Tell God what you desire, and ask
for His will to be done in the situation, and in the lives of the other people. Ask God to give
you a desire to for the other person’s good. Commit to praying for them consistently, and
especially when the temptation to gossip or complain comes upon you.