Monday, November 28, 2011

Foundations November 29, 2011

History Books in 90 Days: Joshua 22-24

2 Peter 3:9; The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is
patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

God does not want anyone to perish – to spend eternity in hell, separated from Him forever. But to
those who desire to live their lives in rejection of Him, that is their fate. This, Peter tells us, is why
the wait for Christ’s return seems so prolonged to some. For those who long to see the face of
Jesus, or to see loved ones in heaven, God’s timing may seem slow, but our perception is skewed.
God waits so that many more would repent of their sin and turn to Him.
Many of us live in a safe-zone, resting in the comfort that we know we have a solid relationship with
the Lord and are going to spend our eternity with Him, but in this zone, we lack an urgency to see
others come to know the Lord as we do. Fear, primarily, holds us back from blatantly sharing our
faith and laziness, among other things, keeps us from interceding for the lost.
Remember: God is a real being dwelling in a real place; He is almighty and sovereign. In prayer, we
communicate our hearts to him, and He communicates His to us, and in this communication our will
comes into alignment with His. And when we pray God’s will... wow!

1. Do you live your life in a safe-zone, not bothering to share your faith boldly? What stops you?
Ask God to show you why you don’t share your faith with more boldness, and how you can
take steps towards leading others closer to Christ in every conversation.
2. Ask God to show you one thing He would like you to focus on so that you can share your faith
3. Write down the names of a few friends/family who do not know the Lord. Ask God for insight as
to how you can best intercede for them. Ask Him to show you His heart for them, and take time
to pray that they would come to know Him.
4. Ask God to give a burden for the lost, a realization that hell is real and many will go there
because they oppose Christ and do not accept His salvation. Ask Him to help you feel the
weight of this, that it may spur you on to boldness.