Thursday, March 29, 2012

Foundations March 30, 2012

Bible Poetry Reading Plan: Proverbs 7
No More Curse

Galatians 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is
written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree” (ESV)

When Adam and Eve sinned they brought a curse into the world. After Adam sinned the ground
was cursed so when the curse is reversed then we will no longer engage in painful toil (Gen. 3:17)
but will enjoy satisfying caretaking. There will no longer be thorns or thistles (vs. 18). We will no
longer ‘return to the ground’ (vs. 19), swallowed up in death. Since the fall, people have needed
to spend the majority of their productive years in the pursuit of food, shelter and protection against
theft and war. We have been distracted and debilitated by sickness and pain. The removal of the
curse means that creation will finally be restored to what God intended (Rom. 8:19-21). Christ
will turn back the curse and restore to humanity all that we lost in Eden, and He will give us
much more! Randy Alcorn teaches that “God will lift the curse not only morally (in terms of sins)
and psychologically (in terms of sorrows), but also physically (in terms of thorns in the ground).”
Christ’s redemptive work will cover the entire curse until every sin, every sorrow and every thorn is
reckoned with. Christ not only rescues people from destruction, He will rescue the entire universe
from the destructive powers of sin. He will transform a dying earth into a vital New Earth, fresh and
uncontaminated, no longer subject to death and destruction. When Christ returns, He will not just
save man from death and destruction; He will also save the entire universe from the curse of sin,
death and destruction. He will take our old and dying world and change it into a vibrant New Earth,
fresh and uncontaminated, no longer subject to chemicals, pollution, destruction and death. Jesus
is the cure for all the environmental problems on earth. No matter what efforts we do on earth as
humans they all pale in comparison to the restoration that Jesus will do when He restores the Earth
upon His second coming. This planet is doomed without Christ’s return. The earth can only be
delivered by being resurrected by Christ upon His return.

1. What excites you about the curse being removed when Jesus comes back? What are you
looking forward to having reversed?
2. Jesus really is the answer, not just for all our problems, but for all global problems too. Spend
some time praising Him for what He accomplished on the cross by defeating death and sin –
not just for you but for the universe!
3. Pray that Jesus would return soon, to reverse the curse!