Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Foundations March 8, 2012

Bible Poetry Reading Plan: Job 13-14
Sin Will Be No More!

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning
or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. (NIV)

Doesn’t the idea of a place with no death, mourning, crying or pain sound like a place where you
would want to spend eternity? Since the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) then the promise of
no more death is a promise of no more sin. Sin causes mourning, crying and pain and if those
things never occur again then sin can never occur again. Christ died once to deal with sin and He
will never need to die again (Heb. 9:26-28; 10:10; 1 Peter 3:18). In Heaven we will receive the full
benefits of the righteousness of Christ that God bestowed upon us when we were saved. Right
now we do not enjoy the full benefits of this truth because our bodies are still full of sin, death and
decay but in Heaven we will experience a place with no death, no pain, and no sin! In Heaven
you will receive a new nature and you will experience complete freedom from the bondage of
sin. Through the power of Jesus and His Holy Spirit we can already begin to experience a lot of
freedom right now in this lifetime but we can’t even get close to what we’re going to have on the
New Earth. By offering Himself as an acceptable sacrifice for sin, our Saviour purchased our
perfection for all time. Nothing impure will enter the New Jerusalem not will anyone who does what
is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life (Rev.
21:27). There is no passage of Scripture that teaches that a person can sin and be evicted from
Heaven. Sin will be a thing of the past! What a glorious day! Since our righteousness is rooted in
Christ, who is eternally righteous, we can never lose it once we are there! Praise the Lord!

1. What sorts of things has Christ already set you free from? (examples: anger, lust, bad
attitudes, people pleasing, etc.). Thank the Lord for this freedom!
2. Spend some time thanking and praising Jesus for purchasing our salvation. It was at a great
cost - His own suffering and death. Ask Him to show you more things about what He has
done for you that you can be thankful for.
3. Ask the Lord to show you the name of someone who hasn’t experienced the gift of salvation.
Pray that they would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.