Tuesday, November 9, 2010
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 38-40 & Colossians 3
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 38-40 & Colossians 3
It is not uncommon to find believers who have messed up their lives. Often this is a result of the pursuit of earthly fascination. It’s is also not uncommon to find believers who are spiritually bored, disconnected and isolated – addicted to pornography, alcohol, making money or in the ruins of a bad marriage. But God says that this current reality does NOT need to be their lifelong or eternal reality. Jesus came to offer us a beautiful trade – beauty for ashes. God looks at the ashes of our lives which we are ashamed of and want to throw away, and He says “Give them to Me! I will exchange my beauty for the useless mess of your life”. He wants to change our lives through progressive encounters with His beauty. He wants you to be fascinated with His beauty on a daily basis and for all eternity. Many people say that they don’t have time for a devotional life; they don’t have time to spend in prayer and in the Word. One reason this excuse is used so often is because people don’t understand what God has in store for them. A devotional life is the way into finding your fascination with God, it’s how we are protected from the deceptions of the enemy, is strengthens our spirits and it supernaturally exchanges our ashes for His beauty in our
2. Are you willing to do things His way, to exchange the ashes of your life for His beauty?
3. Spend some time thanking God for this reality! Praise Him for this!