Sunday, December 18, 2011

Foundations December 19, 2011

History Books in 90 Days: 1 Samuel 15-17

Matthew 2:11 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed
down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold
and of incense and of myrrh. (NIV)

Among the visitors to the young child were the learned men from the East. They were also
predicted by Isaiah (42:6; 60:3, 6) the prophet. These students of Scripture were guided by a
mysterious star to the very place were Christ could be found. Why is it that the Magi came to
Christ, while the Scribes did not? It was practiced in the East to bring gifts to a King therefore
they presented Christ with gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. These gifts enabled Joseph and Mary
to find their way to Egypt and back. God supernaturally provides! The Wise Men saw the Babe,
bowed down and worshipped Him as King. What a striking example of faith for they believed in
Him before they ever knew Him. They saw no miracles to convince them, only a Babe in the arms
of His mother. They didn’t hear any of His teaching, for he was still an infant, helpless and weak.
When they saw the infant they believed they saw the Divine Saviour of the world. What faith!
God’s revelation of Christ’s birth to the Wise men from the East tells us something significant. In
choosing Jewish shepherds and Gentile Magi, God is announcing to the world that Christ had
come for all people, regardless of their beliefs, nationality or status in society. This provides us
with much HOPE – for just as the Gentile Magi had to make a choice to follow the star and seek
Christ, so we must endure in seeking our King.

1. Do you have faith like the Magi or do you need tangible results, concrete answers to prayer or
evidence in order to believe?
2. In what sorts of ways are you making the choice every day to seek Christ? Has this become
legalistic for you or are you doing these things out of a heart of love for God?
3. Pray that you would serve the Lord faithfully out of a heart of love for Him, that you would give
Him your gifts and talents, money and time because you love Him, not because it’s expected
of you.