Monday, December 5, 2011

Foundations December 6, 2011

History Books in 90 Days: Judges 12-13

Ezekiel 34:23 I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David, and He will tend them; He
will tend them and be their Shepherd. (NIV)

In order to have a good understanding of this passage, it is important to look back to verses five
and six of the chapter. These verses describe Israel as being “…scattered because there was no
shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. 6My sheep
wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. They were scattered over the whole
earth, and no one searched or looked for them.” Once again we see that when things were at
their worst, the Lord Jesus was the one consolation in their desert of sorrows. This prophecy
came when the people were in great distress. Have you been able to see the goodness of God
over the last few days as we see this pattern of providing HOPE for His people? This HOPE was
always prophesied in the context of Jesus. Often in our lives we just pray to get out of trouble, we
pray for God to remove the hardship, we pray for a release from the trials of life. We want God to
miraculously get us out of a jam that we have gotten ourselves into because of our poor choices
or selfish ambitions. God has a better solution for our problems – it’s getting into the Word and
growing closer with Jesus. Just as in the Old Testament, when Jesus was the solution to their
troubles, He is also the solution to our troubles. Let’s humble our hearts and go to Him instead of
fighting our way through them on our own. It is then and only then when we will find perfect peace
and happiness, it comes from the HOPE that we have in our relationship with Jesus!

1. What areas of your life have you been praying for God to remove the trial, suffering or
hardship instead of embracing Jesus in the midst of it?
2. Make a commitment to God today, that you will go to Him instead of fighting through your
problem on your own. Ask Him to grow your prayer life so that you can hear Him and submit
to His plan.
3. Ask the Lord to give you HOPE and joy in the midst of hardships, that you would be a
testament and a light to all around you no matter what your circumstances.