Thursday, December 22, 2011

Foundations December 23, 2011

History Books in 90 Days: 1 Samuel 25-27

John 1:1, 18 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…
No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He
has declared Him. (NKJV)

There are three succinct reasons for the necessity of Jesus’ deity. First, only one who is infinitely
God could bear the full penalty for all the sins of all those who would believe in Him – any infinite
creature would have been incapable of bearing that penalty. Second, salvation is from the Lord
(Jonah 2:9) and the whole message of the Bible is designed to show that no human being, no
creature, could ever save man – only God Himself could. Thirdly, only someone who is truly and
fully God could be the one mediator between God and man (1 Tim 2:5), both to bring us back to
God and also to reveal God most fully to us (John 14:9). John Calvin stated, “As God He could not
suffer, and as man He could not overcome death, He united the human nature with the divine that
He might gain us the victory.” What HOPE this brings to mankind, the HOPE of salvation, the HOPE
that we are no longer slaves to sin but can have freedom in Christ. It’s all possible because of the
Divinity and Humanity of Christ. The divinity of Christ is what separates Christianity from all other
religions. Jehovah Witnesses claim that Jesus was merely Michael the Archangel in human form,
while Mormons reduce His divinity by claiming that anyone can be a god. Most cults also deny that
Christ is God. Atheists believe that Jesus was just a man. As Christians, it is important that we get
this doctrine right! Jesus was fully man AND fully God!

1. Why is the divinity of Christ so important to the message of Christianity?
2. Spend some time worshipping Jesus for the HOPE that He provides – for salvation, for
freedom, for anything else He brings to your mind.
3. Salvation belongs to the Lord! Praise Him for the victory that He won on the cross, for His
character, for who He is.