History Books in 90 Days: Judges 14-15
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give
birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (NIV)
Earlier in this chapter, we are told that King Ahaz was in great danger. He was being attacked by two
kings both of whom were stronger than he; but the Lord promised him deliverance, and commanded
him to choose a sign either in the depths of Sheol or in the heights of heaven (vs. 10). King Ahaz
refused to ask for a sign, he said that he would “not put the Lord to the test” (vs. 12) and therefore the
Lord chose to give him a sign and what a sign it was – the prophecy of the virgin birth! Verse 15 tells
us that this Son will know how to refuse evil and will choose good and verse 16 goes on to promise
that the land of the two kings that were attacking Ahaz would become deserted. This sign was a light
to Ahaz and it was God’s comfort to troubled hearts for all times. The sure HOPE of sinners, the great
joy of saints – is the incarnate Lord, Immanuel, God with us. May He be your HOPE and joy today!
He is the great Light of the people who dwell in the shadow of death! In the days of Ahaz’s trouble
(which meant trouble for the entire nation of Judah), the virgin birth was God’s promise that He would
deliver. The sign was good for Ahaz but it is better for us. If the Lord had meant to destroy us, He
would have never taken on flesh and blood. It is a miracle that the infinite became an infant who was
wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Our troubled souls can feel HOPE because the
birth of Jesus is the proof of God’s goodness. We can take comfort in the fact that our Lord was truly
man, born as other children are born, (except that His mother was virgin and He was God.
1. The Infinite became an infant – mediate on this for a minute or two, ask the Lord to give you
deeper insight on what this truly means. Ask Him to reveal to you the significance of the
2. How is the birth of the Son of God proof of God’s goodness? In what area of your life do you
need an infusion of His goodness today?
3. Pray that you would grow in feeling His goodness and that this would provide you with much