Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Foundations August 10, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 11-12
Genesis 2:16-17 (ESV); And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat
of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat,
for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
Heavenly knowledge and wisdom begin when we fear the Lord, therefore any experience that
we have as a result of fearing the Lord grows us in these things. When our fear of the Lord
enables us to trust Him while a loved one is sick, or give generously when money is tight, our
wisdom and knowledge increases. At the same time, any experience that comes as a result
of disobedience leads us into slavery. Had they feared the Lord and shunned evil, Adam and
Eve would actually have grown in their knowledge and wisdom. They would have been wiser
caretakers of the earth and better parents one day. But their disobedience towards God’s
command did the opposite. Their experience led them into grave hardship and spiritual death as
they became slaves to sin.
Some “progressive” schools in Britain run as rule-free institutions where children ages 7 to 17
are permitted to engage in whatever pleases them, from smoking to swearing to sexual activity.
This is what our society has boiled down to. Rules are the problem! Lack of experience is the
problem! A mishmash of things are deemed “the problem” while everyone fails to recognize the
true root of our problems – sin; plain and simple rebellion against God.

1. Have you covered over disobedience in your life by calling it an “experience”? Ask God to
show you how disobedience has pulled you into slavery. Spend some time in confession
and ask God to save you.
2. How has an experience grown you in heavenly wisdom and knowledge because you
feared the Lord?
3. Take some time to intercede for our nation. Pray that we would recognize sin as the source
of our problems. Pray that this realization would begin in the Canadian church and spread
across the country. Pray that Canadians would desire to know absolute truth.