Monday, August 29, 2011

Foundations August 30, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 45-46

Proverbs 16:24 (ESV); Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to
the body.
God’s grace is completely undeserved, yet He is so ready and willing to forgive a repentant heart;
He is gracious towards us time after time.
If God, who is perfect and holy, is gracious towards imperfect people, how much more should we –
those imperfect people – show grace to one another? We often feel the need to put people in their
place, and treat them as we think they deserve to be treated. But the Bible says that God does not
treat us as our sins deserve. Though He holds the keys to life and death – and sin deserves death
– He allots us the perfect amount of time we need to make the choice between Him and our sinful
nature. This is graciousness, and we’d do we well to observe it.
A gracious person doesn’t get into a huff when someone cuts them off in traffic. A gracious person
doesn’t get angry or aloof when a friend accidentally breaks a favoured possession. A gracious
person forgives an offense without being asked, and treats even the most malicious person with
kindness. A gracious person doesn’t rub it in when he was right. Gracious people speak well
of others whether or not they are around; they encourage the downhearted and celebrate the
accomplishments of the successful.
God dwelt among us as a man who was full of grace and truth. Jesus proclaimed the truth of the
gospel, but He also held the grace by which we could embrace the message and find salvation.
Only a gracious person can speak truth that brings change.

1. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you of little ways that you have not been gracious to others.
Confess these things.
2. When has God shown you enormous grace? Ask Him that graciousness towards others would
pour out of your life in response to what He’s done for you.
3. Think of specific people that you need to be more gracious towards. Ask God to help you with
these today. How can enter into your day relying on the Holy Spirit rather than placing any
expectations onto these people?
4. How can you proclaim truth with grace today?