Proverbs 2:9-10 (NIV); Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good
path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
Lurking in the recesses of our hearts there is an extremely selfish creature that actually finds
satisfaction in seeing others experience injustice and deception, though we’d be hard-pressed
to admit this. But when we are surrendered to the pure and peace-loving wisdom that comes
from heaven, this creature is starved and the heart is cleansed. When we tune ourselves to this
wisdom, we will come to know and love righteousness, justice and equity. We will desire to be
whole, and to see others find wholeness too! Wisdom will guide us down good paths and the
knowledge of God will be pleasant. What wonderful promises are found in the word of God!
Sometime we are scared to ask God questions. We’re afraid that He’ll be silent, or worse – that
He’ll tell us what to do! We’re afraid to weather through hardship or embarrassment, so we
choose to remain in the dark about His will. But we’re really missing something here! When
we seek the Lord’s wisdom, His words of knowledge will be PLEASANT to the soul. When we
open ourselves up to whole-hearted servitude and obedience to God, we will love the sound of
His voice. We will be thrilled by the challenge of His word. The relationship will be growing, and
though everything that comes with it may not be ‘nice n’ easy’ to the body, it is pleasant to the
1. Ask the Holy Spirit how you have starved your soul by neglecting to listen to, or obey, the
Lord because of your fears.
2. What are some things that God has convicted you of, or asked you to do lately? Do
you find it pleasant to obey? Ask Him how your obedience is pleasant for your soul and
strengthening for your relationship with God. Thank Him for the things He’s called you to.
3. Does your heart secretly find satisfaction when others face disappointment or trouble?
Meditate on the verse, and ask God to fill you with His understanding of righteousness,
justice and equity. How should this change the way you view others?