Monday, August 8, 2011

Foundations August 9, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 9-10
Proverbs 3:7 (NIV); Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.
To be wise in our own eyes is, essentially, to have an over-inflated view of ourselves and our
opinions. We are wise in our own eyes when we wave away criticism without giving any thought as to
its truthfulness. We are wise in our own eyes when we fail to acknowledge God in our success. We
are wise in our own eyes when we are critical of others or their opinions without taking time to listen.
We are wise in our own eyes when we ignore or act coolly towards those whom we dislike, or see as
less-than us. We are wise in our own eyes when we refuse to associate with people because their
standard of living is lower, or higher than ours. We are wise in our own eyes when we neglect daily
time spent in God’s word and obedience to His commands.
If we won’t fear the Lord, we won’t see God for who He is. We won’t see Him for His power, wisdom
and majesty. He’ll become a miniature trinket in our lives – nothing more than a bobblehead sitting on
the desk shaking its oversized noggin. That is what we reduce God to when we put Him on par with
As created beings, our wisdom will only carry us in circles. We need the divine direction and
understanding that comes from our infinite Source. Solomon said to fear the Lord and shun evil. We
need to continually meditate on who God is, and set our hearts against evil. We need to turn our
backs on wickedness and the temptation to solve every problem and make every judgment call on
our own. Our all-wise God is here to help us if we would only take our eyes off of the mirror and turn
them towards Him.

1. Ask God to show you where you are wise in your own eyes. Take anything that needs to be
confessed and bring it before the Lord.
2. What evil do you need to guard yourself against today? What are the temptations that God is
asking you to shun?
3. Thanksgiving takes the focus off of us and puts in on God. Focus on Him now by praising Him
for the many blessings in your life. Ask Him to reveal more things if you get stuck. Our God is so