The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 49-50
John 4:13-14 (ESV); Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but
whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give
him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Do you know what it means to have a hunger for God? Do you desire to drink deeply from the
water that God offers to you? How do we learn to desire God above all? How do we live in a
world full of temptations and distractions and still keep ourselves focused on Jesus day in and day
out? Do we need better doctrine? Do we need more faith? Must we pray more for the manifest
presence of the Holy Spirit? Many Christians have been spiritually doing their own thing for so
long that they haven’t ever seen that there is a banqueting table of delights before them, offered
by God. They refuse to take a bite of the glorious food that God offers them and are therefore
dying of starvation. I’m speaking of spiritual starvation, having the label “Christian” but never
experiencing God’s love and having a right relationship with Him. Have your devotion times turned
into more of a “program” than an act of worshipping God? Have the spiritual disciplines in your
life become an idol? We need a revival of spiritual nourishment in our personal devotion time and
throughout today’s churches. The Bible is meant to bring us into deeper relationship with God; it
is a journey, not a destination. This month, Foundations will attempt to aid you in your hunger for
God and help you to be filled with Him. Let’s commit to reading each devotional, spending time
meditating on the Word of God and meeting with Him as we go on this journey.
(Note: many concepts from this month’s devotional were taken from the book: Pursuing God by
A.W. Tozer).
1. How would you rank your spiritual hunger for God on a scale of 1-10. Are you satisfied with
this? Do you want more?
2. In what ways have you drank the water that Jesus offers in John 4:13-14? Are you continually
drinking or just drinking from time to time?
3. Pray that throughout this month you will engage with God as you go through these
devotionals, that He will become more real to you.