The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 25-26
Proverbs 6:6-9 (NLT); Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and
become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labour
hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. But you, lazybones, how long will you sleep? When
will you wake up?
It’s amazing how God has poured His heart into everything He’s created! While humans alone are
made in His image, all creation reflects His goodness and wonder. And how humbling it is that we
humans, the most powerful of all creation, must learn a lesson from the ones that we can squish
with a tap of the toe! It is God’s wisdom at work again, showing us that we are tiny in the grand
scheme of things, yet so valued to Him!
Wisdom and knowledge extends into all areas of life, including our work. We seem to think that
40 hours of the week is for work, while the remaining 128 hours are ours to enjoy... or sleep
away. Hard work is a part of life, and is actually to be enjoyed! This doesn’t mean that rest is
unimportant; God set aside an entire day of rest for His people! But it is unwise to always be
on the lookout for ways to cut corners, get out of a job or procrastinate. Such people are called
“lazybones” or even worse... “sluggards” in some versions! We’re like slow, fat bugs next to the
quick and diligent ant.
Contrary to popular belief, “cleanliness is next to godliness” is not in the Bible, but the command to
be hard-working and diligent is a biblical order from God, which covers cleanliness, and a host of
other chores and tasks!
1. Ask God if there is anything He wants to convict you of in this area of hard work,
procrastination and uncleanliness. What is He asking you to do differently?
2. Scheduling is actually very important for us if we want to get things done. Create a schedule
so that you can actually follow through on your commitment to God.
3. Go for a walk today, and ask God to reveal things about His character through creation.
Praise Him for His wonder and imagination as you walk.