The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 15-16
Psalm 19:7 (NIV); The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD
are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
David knew God’s laws to be good, because he understood that they were extensions of
God’s very character. God’s law was life for him; the commands of the Lord he called perfect,
reviving, trustworthy, wise, right, joyful, radiant, sure, righteous and precious!
Sin kills us, and without God’s law, we would be caught in its tangles with no way out. We
would be condemned to death without ever knowing we had done wrong. Therefore, God’s
law revives the soul! When it tells us what is good, we automatically know what is wrong, and
vice versa. God’s law shows us what He values. When He says, “do not envy,” we see that
he desires us to respect one another and also to find contentment in things that last. When
He says, “do not murder” we know that life is sacred and that it is not ours to meddle with.
And we can trust God’s laws to point us towards wisdom. Suddenly things that seemed like
fun-killing rules are seen for what they are – guidelines for safety, blessing and joy! DUH! we
say as pieces fall into place. I need to respect that person at work because God values her
life! Or I can’t have one-on-one friends of the opposite sex, because I need to fight to keep my
marriage bed pure. Or I need to be honest about my spending when I cross the border because
God calls me to a life of integrity. When we take time to meditate on God’s word and seek a
relationship with Him, revelations of truth and wisdom will pop up all the time and we will praise
Him for showing us these things as they guide us into a deeper knowledge of His character!
1. Go through the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20). Ask God to speak to you about these
laws, and how they practically apply to your life. Ask Him to make wise the simple, and
reveal practical guidelines that will bring safety, blessing and joy.
2. Do you have any negative attitudes towards rules in your life? Ask God to reveal these to
you and confess your rebellions.
3. Ask God to grow you in understanding His character. Ask Him to show you more about
Himself as you go through your day today.