Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Foundations August 24, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Genesis 35-36

Proverbs 10:7 (ESV); The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked
will rot.
What we do today matters, not only for eternity, but also for the next generations. There are
household names of both the wicked and the wise. Jesus of Nazareth, Jesse James, Billy
Graham and Osama bin Laden each give us a picture of either righteousness or wickedness.
Though your name may not ring a bell among the well-known of history, your legacy will extend
beyond your time on earth. Your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond could
potentially uphold you as an ancestor of heavenly wisdom.
When He gave the Ten Commandments, God said, “I the LORD your God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those
who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my
commandments.” (Ex. 20:5-6) This promise is not empty. “You reap what you sow” is a strong
biblical principle. If we sow seeds of love and humility, generosity and hospitality, honesty and
integrity, we will reap those things. Our offspring will watch and learn. We need to take seriously
the word of the Lord. Living a faithful life devoted to God is much more rewarding than we
bother to consider! Your pursuit of God and your susceptibility to His Spirit has long-lasting
effects! What memory will you leave?

1. Who has left a lasting, positive impression on your life? What did they do that impacted
you so much? Thank God for their influence, and pray a blessing over them if they’re still
2. Meditate on today’s verse and ask God to show you what kind of seeds you are sowing
into your life, the lives of future generations, and your eternity. If things continue as they
are, what harvest (or lack thereof) will the effects of your life bring to heaven?
3. Ask God to show you how you can leave a memory of blessing with each person you
cross paths with today, whether it’s the parking attendant or the drive-thru worker.