Proverbs 10:12 (ESV); Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
Most of us would not actually admit to hating someone, but hate is the opposite of love; therefore
those whom we don’t love, we hate. This sounds harsh. We like to use the word “dislike” or say
“she’s not my favourite person” or “our personalities just don’t mix.” However we want to word it,
love is active, and if we are not displaying it, we plain and simple do not have it.
We like to put caveats in when talking about love. “I love them, but I sure don’t have to like
them” is a popular one. But these words are merely an attempt to smuggle in a grudge. As
Paul described love, it does not keep record of wrongs, so we actually have no right to hold
grudges against people. Of course there are cases of abuse and backstabbing and whatnot; our
perpetrators do not all have to be trusted with abandon, but they do have to be forgiven if we want
to experience the forgiveness of our Father.
This proverb holds an incredible truth: love covers all offenses. Offense is a big problem in the
church. As we pursue humility and selflessness, laying down our rights and demands for personal
justice, offense will lose its power in our lives. However, we cannot demand change from others,
so this verse gives us a nugget of wisdom that will help us tear down walls of offense. When we
love others despite any wrong done to us, their barriers of offense will crumble. Every human
being longs to be loved and shown they are valuable; therefore, when we love people, we fill a
deep longing of the heart! The difference that we can make in each other’s lives is incredible!
1. Who are you offended at? Ask God to show you where the roots of your offense lie. Ask Him
to reveal areas of pride and selfishness that need to be surrendered to Him. Do that, and
pray a blessing for the person/people.
2. Do you know of anyone who is offended by you right now? Is your heart right towards them?
Ask God to show you any reciprocal offense you are harbouring and confess it. Ask Him to
give you a genuine heart of love for them, and then ask Him for strategic ways that you can
show love to them.