Monday, September 12, 2011

Foundations September 13, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 1-2

Matthew 6:33 (ESV); But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things
will be added to you.

Failure to seek the Lord is the reason that we see so many Christians with shallow lives and who
have hollow religious philosophies. Today’s churches are full of fun and the glorification of men
but where is God? Many churches have become quasi-religious fellowships using salesmanship
methods and mistaking dynamic personalities for the power of the Holy Spirit. We have lost
our way and as a result we are sick and anemic spiritually. These are the symptoms of an evil
disease which is a sickness that is upon the Western Church. We all have contributed to this
problem either directly or indirectly. We have copied one another’s spiritual lives and made
one another’s experiences the model for our own instead of looking to the Word of God as our
standard. In fact, we have made the Word of God conform to our experience instead of striving for
our experiences to conform to the Word of God. But we don’t have to be satisfied with a mediocre
relationship with God. It will require a determined heart and more than a little courage to wrench
ourselves loose from the grip of our culture and return to Biblical ways, but it can be done! Such
men as St. Francis, Martin Luther and John Wesley have done it so we can too! Let’s seek to
God’s face earnestly and root out godlessness from our lives. Let’s develop spiritual receptivity to
God by trusting and obeying Him in humility. Let’s repent and turn to God wholeheartedly and use
the Bible as our spiritual standard instead of the world.

1. Spend some time in personal repentance. Ask the Lord to show you areas of your life where
you are not obeying Him or trusting Him. Confess these things as sin and ask for Him to
empower you to live victoriously in these areas.
2. Pray that the church would grow in spiritual receptivity by trusting and obeying God in
humility. Pray for a revival within the church, that we would grow apart from the world and
use the Bible as our spiritual standard instead of the world.