The Law in 90 Days: Leviticus 4-6
Proverbs 2:3 (ESV); Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding.
Today we will consider what it means to call out for insight and understanding. Hundreds of
times throughout the Psalms, David cried out to the Lord and called the people to cry out. We
receive salvation as a free gift from the Lord and we can never earn it. However, through
spiritual hunger we receive the deeper things of the Kingdom. We don’t “earn” intimacy with God
but at the same time receiving deep knowledge of Him takes a certain heart posture. Building
a relationship with God takes time and effort; it requires both giving and receiving. God does
things for the hungry that He does not do for others. The gospels are full of stories of people
who hungered, who were desperate for God. The Canaanite women in Matt 15 cried out for
a miracle, the women with the flow of blood in Mark 5 reached out to touch Him in faith, blind
Bartimaeus in Mark 10 would not be silenced by the crowd but was desperate enough to cry
out. Are you desperate enough to cry out to the Lord? We are blind, wretched and poor but we
don’t know it. Jesus longs for us to realize the truth so that we will seek Him. He wants us to cry
out in our poverty of spirit and hunger so that He can give us what we are seeking – a deeper
relationship with God. So many of us only cry out to the Lord to fix our problems and mend our
circumstances. We cry out about our finances, we cry out about our illnesses, we cry out about
our wayward children or our abusive spouse but do we ever cry out about our own spiritual
deprivation and for more knowledge and insight into who God is and for understanding into the
heart of God? We must open our eyes and see past our problems and look to the God of the
universe who is willing to show Himself to us if only we ask.
1. Ask God to show you a picture of what you life would be without Him in it. Then spend
some time thanking Him for all that He has done for you.
2. Pray that God would grow your spiritual hunger, that this hunger would drive everything that
you do here on earth.