The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 11-12
Mark 15:37-39 (ESV); And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last. And the curtain of
the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stood facing him,
saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!”
Our journey of growing into enjoying the presence of God can be beautifully illustrated by the
Old Testament Tabernacle. In the Old Testament sacrificial system, the sinner would enter the
outer court where he would offer a blood sacrifice on the brazen alter and wash himself in the
laver that stood near it. Then through a veil he passed into the holy place where no natural
light could come, except for the golden candlestick representing Jesus, the Light of the World,
which threw its soft glow over all. There was also the table of shewbread to tell of Jesus, the
Bread of life, and the altar of incense, a figure of unceasing prayer. Yet there was another veil
that separated the worshipper from the Holy of Holies, where above the mercy seat dwelt the
God Himself in awful and glorious manifestation. Only the high priest could enter there once
a year, with blood which he offered for his sins and the sins of the people. It was this last veil
which was torn in two when Christ died on Calvary. This opened the way for every worshipper
to come into the divine presence of God. God wills that we should enter into His Presence
and live our lives there. This is more than doctrine to be learned, it’s a relationship to be
enjoyed every moment of every day! The greatest thing about the Old Testament Tabernacle
was that God was present there, waiting behind that veil. Similarly, the presence of God is
central to Christianity. At the heart of the Christian message is God Himself, waiting for His
redeemed children to become aware of His Presence. He waits to show Himself in ravishing
fullness to the humble of soul and pure in heart who dare to seek Him.
1. Thank the Lord that He has made a way for us to enter into His Presence, that He has
designed it that we can have a relationship with Him every day.
2. Pray that as His child, you will become aware of His Presence, that you will find Him in
all parts of your day, that you will enter into His Presence and live your life there.