The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 29-30
Psalms 34:3 (ESV); Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!
Many Christians find themselves torn between worldly pleasures and following Jesus.
Yesterday we looked at the necessity of relating to God with Him as complete Lord over our
lives. This includes putting ourselves in a proper place of submission to Him. The moment we
make up our minds that we are going to do this, we exalt Him the way Scripture commands us
to. A break with the world will be the direct result of our submission and exaltation of God. As
we continue to submit to God we will find ourselves not yearning so hard for the things of the
world but instead we will find that we are making progress in our spiritual lives. Our desires
and our viewpoints will begin to change as the power of the Holy Spirit grows inside of us. “Be
thou exalted” is the language of the victorious Christian. It is a little key that unlocks the door of
the treasures of grace. It is central to the life of God. In our pursuit of God we must get to the
place where “be thou exalted” is what we say continually and our actions exhibit that attitude.
When we get to that place in our walk with God then a thousand problems will cease to exist
and life will be less complicated. Are you afraid that you will lose something if you voluntarily
sell-out all of yourself to God? The fact is that when we exalt God to the place that He requires
then we will find peace in our souls as we are no longer slaves to sin. We are made in God’s
image and therefore God is meant to be the only habitat for our hearts and our hearts won’t feel
at home again until we are fully surrendered to Him.
1. Are you afraid that you will lose something if you voluntarily sell-out all of yourself to God?
Ask the Lord to help you work through these fears.
2. Pray that your life of submission to God would be pleasing to God and that He would be
exalted through your obedience. Pray that you would diminish and that God would be
3. Spend some time praising God for His goodness in your life, that He helps us grow and is
so good to us!