Sunday, September 18, 2011

Foundations September 19, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 27-28

Revelation 4:11 (ESV); Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.

When God created Adam and Eve there was perfect harmony in the world. The relationship
between God and man was also perfect. The fall of man caused a sharp change in man’s
relation to his Creator. The proper relationship between God and man was destroyed. Salvation
essentially is the restoration of a right relationship between man and God, bringing back the
relationship that God had intended to have with man as He had in the Garden of Eden. In order
to have a satisfactory spiritual life there must be a change in relationship between God and the
sinner. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross makes this possible and the working of the Holy Spirit
makes it satisfying. So how do we change our relationship with God? First, we must begin with
our view of God. God is above us in rank and station, exalted in dignity and honor. He gave being
to all things and all things exist out of Him and for Him. Every soul exists by His pleasure and
the only thinkable relation between us and Him is one of His full Lordship over us. This requires
complete submission to Him as we owe Him every honor that it is in our power to give Him. Much
of our difficulty as Christians stems from our unwillingness put ourselves in the proper place of
submission to God. The person in pursuit of God will embrace the labor of bringing their total
personality into conformity to His. It requires the willingness to surrender our whole being to the
place of worshipful submission to Him.


1. In listening prayer, ask the Lord to show you through a word, thought or picture where you
are at in your submission to Him. Are you holding back any areas in your life from God? If
so, what areas.
2. Are you willing to work through these areas of insubmissiveness? Are you willing to put
yourself in the proper place of submission to God? Ask God to give you 1-2 practical steps
that you can take today.
3. Pray that you will grow in putting Jesus in the place of functional Lord of your life and that you
would surrender to Him fully.