The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 19-20
John 1:1 (ESV); In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.
Anyone reading today’s verse would easily see that John meant to teach that it is the nature
of God to speak and to communicate His thoughts to others. This is a correct assumption.
We use words to express thoughts and communicate with others and the application of “the
Word” being Jesus tells us that self expression is inherent in the Godhead. God is forever
seeking to speak Himself out to His creation. God is speaking, not God spoke, but God is
speaking. Understanding this concept is key in our pursuit of God for how can we have an
interactive relationship with a God who does not communicate? The Bible is the written Word
of God and because it is written it is confined and limited by ink and paper. The Voice of God
however is alive and free as God is alive and free. In John 6:63 Jesus says “The words that
I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life”. God’s voice has not been silent since He
spoke the world into existence upon creation and it has not been silent since the canonization
of Scripture. God is speaking. God did not write a book and then send it by messenger to be
read at a distance by unaided minds. Yes, He gave us the Bible and He lives in there but He
is also constantly speaking His words today. The fact that God speaks and how we react is
important to note. Are we like the scientist who kneels to examine, to search, to find the cause
and the how of things or are we more like the worshipper who does not claim to understand but
stands in awe, then falls to his knees and whispers “God!”
1. Are you willing to accept that God speaks, even today? Are you willing to ask God to
speak to you, to lead you, to guide you? If you struggle with this, are you willing to take
the Hearing God course so that you can learn more?
2. Spend some time confessing on behalf of the church, that we have silenced God by not
believing that He speaks. Ask the Lord to forgive us and to speak to His children.
3. Pray that you would be open to hear what the Lord wants to say to you, even the tough
stuff, so that you can grow spiritually.