Friday, September 16, 2011

Foundations September 17, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 25-26

2 Chronicles 16:9 (ESV); For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.

The most important thing about faith is not the amount of faith that you have but rather the object
that you put your faith in. Faith itself has no merit, the merit is in the object of our faith, the One
toward Whom it is directed. If I have faith that I can jump off a cliff and start flying, I would be
deathly wrong. The thing about faith is that sin distracts us from focusing on God who is the
object of our faith. Sin twists our vision inward and as a result we focus on ourselves. Faith is
redirecting that focus toward God. Faith looks out instead of in and the result is that our whole
lives fall into line. This may seem too simple yet when we lift our eyes to gaze upon God we are
sure to meet His friendly eyes gazing back at us. Our verse today says that the eyes of the Lord
run to and fro throughout all the earth – when our eyes meet His eyes we are sure to be changed.
You may say, “I don’t have time to devote to this sort of gazing, I am a busy person and have
little time to spend alone”. I am happy to say that the life of being God’s child is for everyone
regardless of the circumstances in their lives and that it is not beyond the reach of anyone. Many
have found this secret and practice the inward gazing upon God every day. Yes, they have much
business to do in their lives but they still find a way to keep their attention on God. This is a key in
our pursuit of God. Tomorrow we will look at some practical ways of doing this.

1. Ask the Lord to reveal to you any sins that would be twisting your vision off of the Lord.
Confess as necessary.
2. Ask the Lord to show you ways that you can redirect your focus on Him. Thank Him that
when we focus on Him we always find His friendly eyes gazing back at us. Praise Him for
His goodness.
3. Pray that you would find the time and learn the devotion necessary to keep your focus on
God and your constant pursuit of Him. Pray that you won’t give up striving for more and
more of His presence in your life.