Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Foundations September 15, 2011

The Law in 90 Days: Exodus 21-22

John 10:27 (ESV); My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

Today, stillness is not part of popular religion. Instead, religion has embraced the monstrous
heresy that noise, size and activity make a man dear to God. God isn’t interested in bigger and
better worship services; God isn’t fascinated by the noise that we make in worship. God says,
“Be still and know that I am God.” We must be still to wait on God. The best place to be still is
somewhere that we can be alone with our Bibles and our journals. Then if we begin to listen, we
will hear Him speak to us in our hearts. First, we may only hear His footsteps, and then we may
hear a more intelligible sound that is far but clear. Then, as we keep listening, we will eventually
hear the incredible sound of the Holy Spirit illuminating our hearts. The sound will be warm,
intimate and as clear as a word from a dear friend. Then things will come to life as we embrace
Jesus. We must remember that this is not automatic, it will take time and effort in order to grow in
Hearing God but it will be worth the effort. The Bible will never be a living Book to us until we are
convinced God is speaks today. We must not read our Bibles as a book that recorded what God
said a long time ago but rather as living Book in which God can speak to us now through it. Jesus
is called the Word; He desires to speak to you. The Bible is not a book that was once spoken bur
rather is a Book that is now speaking. When you read your Bible, expect that God will speak to
you through it. Listen for the voice of God, a word, the very Word of the living God.

1. Pray that God would teach you to listen, ask Him to help you discern the sound of His voice.
2. Ask the Lord to reveal to you some of the “noise” in your life that is preventing you from
hearing God. Ask Him to show you a strategy for getting rid of that “noise” so that you can
hear Him better.
3. Pray that the Bible will become for you a book that speaks to you, pray that the Holy Spirit
will speak to you each time you read the Word of God and that He will help you apply the
Word to your life.