Monday, August 13, 2012

Foundations August 14, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Hosea 11-14

Members of a Covenant: Who may dwell with God?
Read Psalm 15

As a chosen people that had entered into a covenant with God, the Israelites were held to the standards of the Law. Jesus did not come to do away with the Law, but to fulfill it, and as chosen people of the new covenant, we are to uphold the moral law along with the decree to be holy as God is holy.
Holiness is a theme in this chapter. The person who is permitted to dwell with the Lord is someone who is blameless and good, full of truth and integrity. Though none of us fits the description perfectly, this is what we are to strive for in this life and wait expectantly for in the next! When God rules from His holy hill in the New Jerusalem we WILL all fit this description! It is hard to imagine, which makes us all the more grateful!

Verse 1: The question
Verses 2-5a: The answer
Verse 5b: The assurance


1)   Do you view your relationship with the Lord as a covenant or a convenience? We must treat it reverently, understanding that upon confession of our faith, we made a covenant with God, joining His family and committing to loving Him with our lives through obedience. Take some time to think about this and your general attitude towards your relationship with the Lord. Confess any apathy that you discover in your heart. Thank God that He wants a covenant relationship with you!
2)   Read Psalm 15 again, and ask God to speak to you about what you are doing well from the verses. Then use the passage to pray, asking God to increase in you the godly characteristics described here.
3)   Take some time to meditate on the realities of heaven, the day when you will dwell in the holy city and visit God on His holy hill. Thank God for making a home and a purpose for you there. Ask Him to continue to work in your heart, making you more and more like Him until the day of Christ Jesus!