Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Foundations August 23, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Micah 3-7

Salvation Belongs to God: God Can Move Mountains
Read Psalm 114

This psalm reminds us that there is nothing our God cannot do. Because He loved Israel, He made His dwelling in her midst and carried her through the wilderness and into the Promised Land. He displayed His might in her deliverance and her entrance 40 years later, parting first the waters of the Red Sea and later the Jordan River. The earth trembles at the presence of the Lord who can do these mighty acts.
This almighty God has chosen to dwell among us, in our own hearts, and through Jesus we have been given access into the holy throne room of God!

Verses 1-2: God dwells with Israel
Verses 3-6: The parting of the waters
Verses 7-8: Tremble at the presence of the Lord


1)   Just as Judah was God’s sanctuary, your heart is His sanctuary. Think about this. Is there anything in your heart that might make it an embarrassing sanctuary? Confess it to God and ask Him to transform your heart into a place of beauty.
2)   When have you experienced God move powerfully? What was your response?
3)   What kind of mountains loom in your life – situations that seem impossible? Commit these to God. Ask Him to be your salvation and to move these mountains. Ask Him to speak to you about what He wants to do in these situations.