Thursday, August 30, 2012

Foundations August 31, 2012

Gospel Reading Plan: Matthew 17-19

The End Times: Our Eternity in Praise
Read Psalm 150

This psalm begins in telling us to praise God in His sanctuary. The incredible thing is that one day we will actually entirely live out this picture. We will not just be praising God in a sanctuary in a church; we will be praising God in His sanctuary, in His presence, together with the Church! Heaven will be full of activity, and though it will not be limited to singing, praise and worship will be an important and anticipated activity, even for those who are not musically inclined on this earth! We will love to sing praises to our King, independent of whether or not we enjoy singing now; it will all be to His glory. As the old hymn goes, “How can I keep from singing?” This will be our response in the presence of our God.

Verse 1: Where to praise
Verse 2: What to praise
Verse 3-5: How to praise
Verse 6: Everybody praise


1)   Engage your imagination and think about when we will join all the believers and worship God in His sanctuary in the New Jerusalem. Meditate on this picture.
2)   Ask the Holy Spirit if there is anything in your heart that is keeping you from worshipping Him wholeheartedly on your own time or in corporate worship (i.e. neglect, embarrassment, sin, ignorance, etc.) Ask God to expand your worship during the week. When you are participating in worship at church on the weekends, come ready to receive from and respond to God in whatever way He calls you.
3)   Ask God that you would be driven by eternity. Ask God what you have to look forward to in His kingdom and how this hope can impact your daily life. Ask Him: Lord, how do You want me to live differently in light of eternity?