Sunday, August 19, 2012

Foundations August 20, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Obadiah

The Redeemer: Jesus in Our Sorrow
Read Psalm 69

When writing about the 69th Psalm, Charles Spurgeon said that we begin our study of it “with much trembling, for we feel that we are entering with our Great High Priest into the most holy place.”
Little did David know when composing this song that some of what he was saying was about the One who would one day be called the Son of David! (See vv 4, 9, 21.) Here David is crying out to God for salvation, and in his very words of sorrow, he prophesies of the One who will bring eternal salvation to him and all people. David is unknowingly sharing a profound truth with the Christian, that Jesus is present in our suffering. He, too, cried out to God for help; He, likewise, was hated without cause; He, also, was rejected by some family members (v 8). Jesus shares in our suffering; in truth, we share in His sufferings when we go through trouble and yet remain steadfast, trusting Him.

Verses 1-12: David’s plight
Verses 13-29: David’s prayer
Verses 30-36: David’s praise


1)   Verse 21 is a tiny detail of the crucifixion, and something Jesus would have had no human control over as He hung on the cross. This is clearly God pointing us to the undeniable truth that Jesus is Lord. Thank God for His plan to save us from the very beginning. Thank Him for His intellect, and His love – for giving us prophecy in the Bible!
2)   Verses 1 & 2 paint a bleak picture of one drowning in murky water, trying to grasp a foothold but finding none. Have you ever felt this way? Do you feel this way? Pray and ask God for help. Ask Him to give you a foothold and to give you a new song while you wait on Him.
3)   Study verses 30-36 and notice how David praises God. What does he praise Him for? How does he express praise? He is able to praise God even before he is rescued out of his trouble!