Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Foundations August 22, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Micah 1-2

The Redeemer: We Will Be Resurrected!
Read Psalm 16

There are so many beautiful lines in this psalm, making the reader feel secure in the choice to follow the Lord. Both Peter and Paul reference this Psalm, indicating to us that it clearly speaks of Jesus. Some believe the entire psalm is a prophetic prayer of Jesus, though as usual, it can have a twofold meaning, also serving as a worship song for Israel.
Through the experience of the psalmist, the reader is encouraged to find full contentment in God no matter what happens. Continually we should seek God for our delight and pleasure, remembering that we have no good apart from Him. Whether in plenty or in want, we can trust that He knows our lot and will give us counsel. And if these spiritual blessings that we can experience NOW on earth are not enough, we are also given a fantastic truth, made abundantly clear by the resurrection of Christ, that we will not remain in the grave; God will not allow His people to rot there forever. Like Jesus, all servants of God will rise again in glory and will find fullness of joy and eternal pleasure with God forevermore!

Verses 1-2: Refuge in the Lord
Verses 3-4: Delight found in the godly, not the wicked
Verses 5-6: Contentment in my portion
Verses 7-8: The Lord counsels me
Verses 9-11: My heart rejoices in my future hope in God’s presence


1)   Focus your heart and mind on the words of the psalm as you read it again. What do you notice about the psalmist’s relationship with the
Lord? (His attitude, his perception of who God is, etc.) What can you take out of this from your own life?
2)   Verse 1 indicates that the psalmist is experiencing some trouble, yet he is able to declare the words of verses 5 & 6. He is able to be thankful in every situation, surrendering his “cup” to the Lord in any situation, because of the promise in verse 8-11. Meditate on this principle and the verses and apply them to your own life and struggles.