Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Foundations August 8, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Daniel 7-8

The Nature of Man: Made in the Image of God
Read Psalm 139

This is the famous psalm that speaks to our identity as human beings, created in the image of God. This chapter gives unique insight into our purpose and our formation. Our existence cannot be attributed to our parents, though they were tools in the process. God decided who would be born, and He chose you. As we read this psalm, God speaks straight into our hearts about His feelings towards us. We learn that He knows everything about us, inside and out, and David’s response to this magnificent truth is, “How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast the sum of them!” God’s opinions of His children are not menacing! He loves us and created us with great purpose in mind!

Verses 1-6: God knows me through and through
Verses 7-12: Nothing is hidden from God
Verses 13-16: I am created by God and loved by Him
Verses 17-18: God’s thoughts are precious to me
Verses 19-22: Cry for vengeance on the wicked
Verses 23-24: Search my heart, O God


1)   Read this psalm again and take note of what it says about 1) God (who He is, what He thinks, how He works), and 2) you (who you are, how you were made, why you were created, etc.).
2)   Ask God how He wants to use this passage to speak about your self-worth. Have a conversation with Him. Perhaps you need to begin by asking Him what He loves about you, or what He loved creating in you. Or maybe you want to ask Him where He would take you if He could take you anywhere, and why that place in particular. Questions like this can stir up great dialogue with the Lord and allow Him entrance into the deep places of our hearts.