Thursday, November 22, 2012

Foundations November 23, 2012

Read 1 Timothy 4
In your journal, write down the things that stick out to you from today’s Bible reading. Respond to what God shows you as you feel led (confession, thanksgiving, etc.)
1 Timothy is very thorough in its instructions to leaders. The church letters (Ephesians-2 Thessalonians) offer general principles and advice, while the pastoral letters go in depth, seemingly leaving no stone unturned. This reflects how vital it is to have healthy, functioning churches. Verse 15-16 encourages leaders to “Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all … for as you do you will ensure salvation for both yourself and for those who hear you.” As people of influence, we can never forget that how we discipline our lives can affect both our salvation and the salvation of others.

Prayer and Meditation
1.      We are called to discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness (vs. 7). Ask God to show you how you can discipline yourself in order to grow in Him (for example, scheduling more time for devotions, practicing spiritual disciplines such as fasting, meditation or service, etc.).
2.      Spend some time in thanksgiving for things in your life. “Everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude” (vs. 4).
3.      Pray for our leaders at Southland. Ask God to show you specific things to pray based on what you’ve been reading in 1 Timothy.