Thursday, July 26, 2012

Foundations July 27, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Ezekiel 32-33

Covenant Psalm

Read: Psalm 132

This joyful Psalm speaks of God’s covenant with the house of David (2 Sam. 7:4-16).  Most of the Psalm is expressing trust and belief in these promises.  The writers pray that God will carry out His plans and purposes.  It starts with a plea to the Lord to remember David’s desire to find a dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant (Ex. 25:10-22).  Once the Ark finds its resting place in the temple, the Psalm continues by reviewing the oath that God made to David to preserve His dynasty.   God is unchangeable and He will not turn from His covenants.  We know that this covenant was fulfilled in Christ because Christ sits on the throne forever and ever.  Jesus came from the line of David and through Him comes blessing for Zion.  Even today, He is King of the Jews.  The Lord chose Zion, David captured it, Solomon built it and the Lord dwelt in it and He is coming back to rebuild the Earth and dwell in Zion once again!   

Verses 1-7: David’s desire to build a house for the Lord
Verses 8-10: A prayer at the removal of the Ark
Verses 11-18: A pleading of the divine covenant and its promises

1.   David is remembered as the man who desired to build a house for the Lord.  What will you be remembered for?  Will you be remembered for your faithfulness to the Lord?
2.   Jesus is coming back again.  These words bring joy to the hearts of some and fear to the hearts of others.  Ask the Lord to show you where your heart is at when it comes to looking forward to His return. 
3.   Ask the Lord to grow in you a joy, a yearning and an eager anticipation of His return.