Sunday, July 8, 2012

Foundations July 9, 2012

Prophet’s Reading Plan: Jeremiah 45-48


Read: Psalm 121

Who do you run to when you need help?  The scope of this Psalm is to show that God alone is the refuge for the distressed.  Many of us run to earthly comfort and help in times of trouble, yet the Psalmist looks to the Lord.  Where we look for help shows something about our faith.  Those with great faith go to God first, since He is the maker of Heaven and earth.  They also know of His goodness and grace and that He carefully watches over His children.  Why go anywhere else for help?  God is described as not slumbering which means that He has continual concern for us.  He keeps us, protects us, watches over us and doesn’t have any need for refreshing via sleep.  Can we commit our lives night and day to our ever-faithful Lord?  Do we trust His loving eye and protecting hand?  We all battle with the problem of worry.  At times like this we need to remind ourselves that God is always on the alert, He never sleeps.  He knows everything, including what we fear and He is everywhere and in charge of our world. 

Verses 1-2: The Source of my help
Verses 3-4: The Sleeplessness of my help
Verses 5-6: The Strength of my help
Verses 7-8: The Steadfastness of my help

1.   Read through today’s Psalm and mark down all the ways in which God provides care to His children. 
2.   Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word, thought or picture about how the Lord cares for you.
3.   Spend some time praising and thanking the Lord for His great care.  Ask Him to grow in you a confidence in Him, that He is all-powerful, ever-watchful and faithful to His children.